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Proposed Organization Merger with
JFCS of Southern Arizona

Elected Board and Members voted with discussions that began Nov. 2021 thru January 2022 agreement for acquisition by a Tucson Community Organization to expand our outreach.
Our vision of re-structuring our organization was to increase awareness and better support those suffering with the loss of a spouse or life partner.
However, the merging with JFCS was not completed this year.

Nov. 18 - Email to Membership
Results of Voter Ballots

Oct. 26 - Email to Membership
Notice of General Meeting to clarify options.

Ballots to be sent out on Nov. 9 following the Q&A meeting with Jewish Family Community Services.

Note: Ballots received prior to this date are invalid and not accepted, due to lack of complete voter information.

Map: J.F.C.S. location


Website: J.F.C.S. services


Your Nov. 9 SIGNED ballot must be returned by deadline, Nov. 14 .
  • HAND DELIVER sealed envelope to Group Facilitator.

  • MAIL to President Della Helmick;
    31 W. Rillito; Tucson, AZ 85705

  • EMAIL to dellakorh@yahoo.com
    Complete ballot then attach as a photo or scanned document.

BOARD MEMBERS only meeting on Nov. 17 ,
calculate ballots and determine next actions.

- Oct. 15 - Email to Membership
Summary of General Meeting


General Meeting to discuss the future status of our organization. So, please RSVP with your group facilitator to join us at
Barnfire Mesquite Grill
8310 N. Thornydale Road; Tucson, AZ 85741


- Oct. 1 - Board Notification of a General Meeting